A game about making your future lives better (or worse). Rushed submission for IGJ new years 2025

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Is there a real difference between lunesperson and solsperson? like does that truly MEAN anything mechanically, stresswise or whatever?



why the fuck would you have everything EXCEPT work, be a toggle?

Work is completely automated once you get the first reset (which, as others have pointed out, is quite slow; But automation *does* exist)


and thats called shit design.


The third society upgrade requires manually clicking learn 300 times? Did I do it wrong?

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You can get the two rebirth upgrades which makes things way easier (If you do it right you should need only ~10-20 resets for each) 

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Death wish is really insane, got e130 stress mult at around e8 sol

Edit :at e11 solarity it become xinfinity lmao

It was just there to make sure people don't somehow softlock their save. (I don't think it's actually possible now, dubious is more than enough to bring stress up)

Also, what's the use for sol shards past 8? Will more upgrades be added, or additional effects for overflowing sol shards?

There is an upgrade that makes use of sol shards if you take the equality path


like the game play, I unlocked Society and as far as i can see i need to 'learn' which i can start at 1e6 stress and instantly boosts me to 1e9 stress which is over the limit. How do i progress?

Hint 1: There are some seemingly innocuous upgrades that increase stress. 

Hint 2: Can you get to 1e6 stress without having to rely on stress multipliers?

Yeah ok running on Solar Return as default wasn't the best plan ;) Nice job that you found a way to balance this game so that you have to fiddle around for the correct configuration to continue


lunarity gain is to low after the first rebirth

The first rebirth always gives 1 lunarity to make sure nothing dumb happens. I could have made it give 0.1 instead to make the flow "feel better", but the balance would be the same

i aid AFTER the first

only getting .45 is not enough for another upgrade and its very hard to even get that .45


That probably means you’re over-stressing the character; if you get too much “Dubious” you stress out before you’ve gathered enough Solarity to convert to Lunarity. I’ve found 3 copies seems to be the sweet spot for the early game, 4 if you want to end a run prematurely.

Dubious as an upgrade trades longevity for speed; you get 3x (4.2x after upgrade) Solarity, but 10x more stress (for 3.33x less Solarity-per-stress total). It makes the run faster, but gives you less out of each run.


we checked through every single universe, and in each one you died from too much stress. calm tf down little one